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Safety Beyond Hard Hats

August 20, 2019

Safety Beyond Hard Hats Alexa Chmieleski August 20, 2019 The addition of technology and innovation has provided instrumental solutions to industries like insurance, transportation and health care. The construction industry is no exception. The field that creates $1.3 trillion in structures each year is also losing an average of $991K per fatal injury. This physical and financial loss…

CompTIA DC Fly-In 2019

February 5, 2019

The KC Tech Council traveled to Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, February 5th for the annual CompTIA DC Fly-In with twelve representatives from companies including Black & Veatch, Garmin, JE Dunn, H&R Block, MARC, Stinson Leonard Street and MarksNelson Smart Technologies. These representatives, along with the KC Tech Council team, formed Kansas City’s largest delegation to advocate at the Fly-In. The…

Virgin Hyperloop One

October 17, 2018

Virgin Hyperloop One is a super high-speed train that will transform the future of transportation. New magnetic technology will decrease travel time from hours to a few minutes. Missouri is one of the leading contenders for the premier Hyperloop route. Currently, it takes 3.5 hours to travel between St. Louis and Kansas City. Virgin Hyperloop One…

Tech Takes: Karen Hornig

June 11, 2018

NIPR Executive Director Karen Hornig speaks on the pains of recruiting and cultivating local tech talent. Join the KCTC Mailing List



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