Event Information
Get to know KC's tech community
In-person connections are crucial to creating a strong, welcoming tech community. The KC Tech Council fosters those connections through high-level, high-quality events.

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Series events
Our series events include The CEO Speaker Series, Tech on Tap and Member Go Live. These events present regular opportunities to stay engaged with the KC Tech Council.
Tech on Tap
Tech on Tap is your chance to mix work and play. Learn something new about a trending tech topic while enjoying a local brew.
CEO Speaker Series
Kansas City is riddled with inspiring tech leaders. The KC Tech Council brings them on stage on a regular basis to share their story with the masses.

Member Go Live
Once your organization has joined the KC Tech Council, you can join us for lunch! Member Go Live is a luncheon to welcome new members and educate them on what they can expect with their membership.
Signature Events
KCTC signature events are the product of months of strategic planning and conversations on how to utilize them to create the ideal tech ecosystem.
No Coast
No Coast is a Celebration of KC's Best in Tech. It is designed to inspire students of all ages through its three key elements: a tech expo featuring Kansas City companies, a tech-focused keynote, and an awards ceremony to celebrate high-achieving members of the community.
The CEO Retreat
The CEO Retreat brings chief executive officers from around Kansas City together for two days at an exclusive ranch. High-level speakers are curated to share best practices with KC leaders.
Camp Cyber
Similar to The CEO Retreat, Camp Cyber also brings together C-level leaders. This retreat focuses specifically on the information security sector. CISOs, CIOs and more discuss the latest trends in Cyber Security together for two days.
Policy Events
Change can only happen if we talk to the folks in charge. That's why we host events centered around Policy. If there's a positive change to be made in the tech industry, we make it our mission to talk to lawmakers who can make that change.
DC Fly-In
The KC Tech Council travels with more than 15 Kansas City business leaders to Washington D.C. annually. There, we divide and conquer to discuss tech policy with lawmakers.