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Get acquainted with KCTC member Invary and its CEO, Jason Rogers


1. Give us your organization’s quick origin story!

Invary was founded by Dr. Perry Alexander (Distinguished Professor of EE/CS at KU), Dr. Wesley Peck and Jason Rogers, based on an IP license from the NSA's Laboratory for Advanced Cybersecurity Research.


2. What problem are you currently solving in the KC tech industry? 

We verify the Runtime Integrity of systems, establishing a foundation of security and confidentiality for our partners that allows them to trust their existing cybersecurity tools!


3. What can we expect to see from your company/organization in the next year?

We look forward to serving more of our local community as we grow, along with our federal and commercial partners!


4. How can KCTC members get more involved?

Learn more about us at or drop us a note at

Increase Awareness of Your Organization

4x4 is a quick and digestible way to get to know KCTC member companies. If you're a part of our membership, you have the opportunity to spotlight your organization in a future feature!

Jason Rogers Headshot


1. If your office was The Office, what character would you be?

A mix of Michael & Jim


2. What’s an app you can’t live without?

Life360 (Teenagers!!!)


3. What’s your favorite hidden gem in Kansas City?

Rudy's Pizza about 40 minutes West (hint...Lawrence)


4. What technology tip are you always giving your clients?

How to verify their Runtime Integrity and ensure their security!

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