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Get acquainted with KCTC sponsor TreviPay and its Manager of Product - Payments & Aviation, Emily Farabi


1. Give us your organization’s quick origin story!

An innovator in fintech with a 40-plus year legacy in B2B payments and trade credit, TreviPay today offers unmatched payments choice—from digital to card payments. Plus, proven A/R automation solutions to help sellers drive efficiency resulting in higher average order values and lower days sales outstanding. And we firmly believe loyalty begins at the payment.


2. What problem are you currently solving in the KC tech industry? 

We provide payment methods and collection options for enterprises across the globe to optimize order-to-cash cycles to improve a business's financial performance from our global headquarters based in Overland Park.


3. What can we expect to see from your company/organization in the next year?

In 2024 and beyond, TreviPay will continue to grow its composable B2B payments solution with advances in technology to reduce risk, fight fraud and support B2B commerce across the globe.


4. How can KCTC members get more involved?

KCTC is a fantastic resource for the entire KC tech community. TreviPay is thrilled to be part of this community and encourage attendance at any KCTC event and take advantage of volunteer opportunities to guide the newest generation of tech talent.

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Emily Farabi Circle Headshot (1)


1. If your office was The Office, what character would you be?

I'm going to go with Kelly Kapoor. Sometimes, I can be a little overly enthusiastic, I find unconventional ways to create a community and I've been known to cause a few eyerolls.


2. What’s an app you can’t live without?

I love FigJam. I’m a visual thinker and the best way to translate ideas across a group of people is to create a common language for expressing those ideas. FigJam allows our teams to be creative, explain our thoughts, collaborate and gain an understanding of the full picture. I may even start using it with my husband.


3. What’s your favorite hidden gem in Kansas City?

The River Market Antique Mall. I’m not even a big antiques person, I just like to wander around and get lost in there. Grab a coffee and enjoy a mindless adventure.


4. What technology tip are you always giving your clients?

Gather end-user feedback and have data to back decisions. We all love to have big ideas but if we don’t truly understand the needs of the end user, our ideas can lead us down to costly paths.

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